
Been quite busy making my winter card collection for The Dispensary in Whitby this month….I still haven’t finished and I’ve not started my hand printed Christmas cards yet either.


I entered the Society for all Artist Paint a Poppy challenge and produced two small watercolours

Ghosts and Poppies and A Reverence of Remembrance

I used to share a house, with a girl called Joy Rogers when I first started teaching over 40 years ago, we lost touch sometime in the early 1990’s but her daughter contacted me on Facebook and sent four images of some paintings I had given her mum in 1975! They were inspired the Lord of the Rings. Here they are:

The Doors of Durin

The Ent-Moot

The Old Forest

The Shire

There are two more in the series; Rivendell and Weathertop but the photos are taken in their frames so not as good – they belong to Barbara Hastings



I have had a piece accepted for the Winter Open in the Gallery Steel Rooms in Brigg and also they have taken several pieces for inclusion in their ‘Field Notes’ section of the galley which exhibits work inspired by nature. The asked artists to send one of two postcard sized pieces thy could sell in their gallery to boost funds. I made two watercolours based on the riverbank of the Ancholme which runs behind the gallery

and finally I have started the Chap Book I am making with the poet Reuben Woolley, here are a couple of mock ups

Breaking news! I was asked to talk about my work on Radio Humberside by the Gallery Steel Rooms with a textile artist called Jackie Bishop. I did. Terrifying!